5 Dads on Father’s Day

  by Chris Horst

At dadcraft, we believe we’re in this together. Fathering can be isolating, so there’s great benefit to helping each other out as fellow dads on this journey. And there’s fun in listening to one another. We asked the question, what do we love about Father’s Day? Here’s what you told us.

From fellow dad, Chris, father of four (Holland, MI):

I don’t know who thought of turning the 5th commandment into a holiday. But I’d like to shake that hand. Not only do you get doted on and showered with original artwork by your kids, but contra all evidence, your better half acts as if you were the better half. For a whole day. It’s genius. So thank you, Father’s Day inventor. Thank you.

Father’s Day throws down the gauntlet, too. Surrounded by my children and loving wife, their expectant eyes upon me as I try (in vain) to sleep in–it makes me want to be worthy of them. It makes me want to rise to the high calling, joyfully embracing the sacrifices and responsibility that come with fatherhood. And Father’s Day is a grace, because I mess up. I get my priorities out of order, I get short with the kids and overlook the best things right in front of me. But on this day, I’m treated like I’ve already become the man and father I want to be. And I believe that I will. That’s the gift of Father’s Day.

From fellow dad, David, father of two (Colorado Springs, CO):

I love Father’s Day not because of the gifts I receive, but because of something my father told me: Everyday as a dad it gets better. Initially you think …holding this infant is the best …how could it be better? Watching my toddler walk and giggle is the best …how could it get better? Then …my three year old is amazing, her language, and empathy are developing so quickly … how could it get better? Everyday is a new gift …and everyday it gets better.

From fellow dad, Mark, father of one (Chicago, IL):

Father’s Day is a reminder that the goal is not perfection. Our kids present us with gifts – drawings of misshapen hands and poorly detailed stick figures of our family, far from the curated photos we choose to post on Instagram and Facebook. They bring us imperfect gifts and yet we relish them, because that poorly drawn family portrait is evidence that they gave us their time and love and effort.  It’s a reminder that we aren’t called to be perfect dads, but our kids relish our time, love and effort (whether they admit it or not).

From fellow dad, Jeremy, father of three (Lancaster, PA):

I appreciate the celebration of Father’s Day because it’s a self-reminder, if nothing else, of the importance that we have as dads to our kids. Fathers are one of the single most influential forces, for good or for bad, in the lives of our children – and it’s often easy to forget that in this stage of life.  Having a day set aside to honor the high calling of fatherhood reminds me, let alone our culture, that our role is important and worthy of recognition.  The kid-written cards and gifts are a bonus on top.  

From fellow dad, Matt, father of three (Indianapolis, IN):

I love Father’s Day because it presents the time to stop and reflect on the people I have been blessed to do life with: my beautiful wife and our amazing little girls. I can’t help but look around the table on Father’s Day and know that I am richly blessed and that life doesn’t get any better.


Father’s Day isn’t about us, ultimately, but about the families we’re entrusted to serve. In our words and actions, let’s make Father’s Day about our families.

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Picture by Steven Van Loy; Used via Unsplash license.